Alfred Nobel

“It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether
he be Scandinavian or not”.
Nobel’s main intention and criteria was to award those worthy of his prizes, and did not hope that prizes were determined on the basis of one’s background.
“Alfred Nobel’s Will,” Annals of Non-invasive Electrocardiology [1082-720X] Ehrenborg, Volume 12, Issue 1 (2007): 81 -82.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
"Humans exist because, our planet, the earth, is the only planet where life can exist. And the reason life exists is because our planet is a 'hydroplanet'. Water is as scarce in the universe as life is, and perhaps we could say that water is synonymous with life. But water is not only rare and valuable; it is also unique, with many exclusive physical and chemical properties. This unique nature, accompanied by dynamic interactions of many elements in the universal 'hydrosystem', of which the sun and the oceans are the driving forces, allowed life to originate. Ocean means LIFE."
This quote reveals Cousteau’s awareness that our existence is dependent on water, and shows his concern in protecting this scarce substance.
Dr Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, “Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Awarded First Bios Prize,” Bio News, April 6, 1996, 1.
Keith Campbell

"I want to try to explain to people...the positive uses for this technology, the benefits that it may have for human therapeutic medicine and improving the quality of life for people with certain genetic disorders."
Campbell implies in this quote that cloning is the key to solving many mysteries involved with scientific research and that it has the potential to assist in scientific development concerning humans.
Keith Campbell, “Cloning Dolly, How and Why?” (lecture, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, June 22, 2001).
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