
This bird’s nest and feather is part of a series of work which had been created for my 2008 HSC Visual Arts “Body of Work” submission. My “Body of Work” was based on the concept of fragility of our life and surroundings, thus feathers, being a symbol of lightness, had allowed me to explore the concept of fragility with a greater perception. I had chosen to use liquid porcelain as the main medium for my major work because of its unique qualities, such as fragility, translucency, delicacy and white colour, drawing allusions to purity. It was only through porcelain, was I able to create such a fine and fragile piece of work.

American architect Frank Gehry’s “Guggenheim Museum” situated in Bilbao, Spain, is interesting, as it is a site-specific work he created using non-traditional innovative materials and influences to reflect the locality and culture of industrial city, Bilbao. For example, the shiny titanium surface reflects fish scales and also the surrounding Nervion River that flows around the building. Furthermore, it was through the use of new technology and computer programs such as CATIA, that Gehry was able to create asymmetrical pieces of titanium that wrapped around the building to create a curvy, free-flowing form.

The photo of these mountains, taken in China is beautiful to me because they evoke memories of the tranquil location where I took the photo. In addition, this photo also brings back memories of the times I spent at China, and to me this is very endearing. In addition, the mist in the background that obscures the mountains create a mystical feel to the picture, perhaps suggesting to me that this source of beauty is otherworldly.

HALL: Shelter, Suspended, Intimidating

MOFFAT: Culture, Contrast, Vibrant

GASCOIGNE: Crossword, Overlap, Chaotic